5 Tips To Boost Your CBD Business with Nancy Duitch the CEO of Sera Labs

5 Tips To Boost Your CBD Business:

  1. Having a good customer service group and quick fulfillment are crucial in e-commerce.
  2. Chargeback mitigation companies can help diffuse people from wanting to charge back.
  3. Sending reminders to customers before a credit card is re-billed on a subscription prevents chargebacks & builds a better relationship with customers.
  4. Using multiple email companies can increase the chances of emails landing in customers’ inboxes.
  5. Having a good relationship with vendors & a fulfillment center is important for timely shipping and avoiding lost orders.

Nancy Duitch has a lot of experience in the retail, beauty, and infomercial industries. She has worked on successful products such as the Ab Roller and the Soba Cow pillow. She has also been the category captain for Fitness at Walmart and has started her own company.

Duitch started a skin care line with CBD and quickly realized that she needed to change the formulas and offer tinctures and gummies in order to be successful. Within the first five months, the company did $1.7 million in business online. Duitch wanted to get her products into retail stores and raised money from private equity firms. She also advertised in trade publications and attended ecrm shows to connect with buyers. As a result, her beauty products were placed in stores such as CVS, Bed Bath & Beyond, and Bartell Drugs.

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5 Tips To Boost Your CBD Business: Nancy Duitch has a lot of experience in the retail, beauty, and infomercial industries. She has worked on successful products such as the Ab Roller and the Soba Cow pillow. She has also been the category captain for Fitness at Walmart and has started her own company. Duitch […]

Featuring: Nancy Duitch